Community Development
The root cause of the bushmeat trade is extreme poverty.​ We work with communities living near bonobos to build a better future through conservation instead of the bushmeat trade.
People-Oriented Conservation
The Democratic Republic of Congo is one of the poorest nations in the world. In the area around Ekolo ya Bonobo Community Reserve, people lack access to basic necessities like food, education, and health care. ​Bonobos are primarily killed for bushmeat - for food. To save bonobos, we must address these needs.
Decades of rainforest conservation work around the world have taught us that comprehensive and lasting change depends on local community engagement and leadership. ​Investing in the communities of Ekolo ya Bonobo not only supports people and bonobos, it also supports many other species, the rainforest, and the planet.

“Through your participation in the conservation of the bonobos, you not only protect them, you also contribute to the environmental, social, and economic development of the only country in the world where bonobos are found -- the DRC.”
Fanny Minesi, General Director, Amis des Bonobos du Congo
Making a Difference

In Education
School Buildings
Supplies – benches, desks, notebooks
Conservation education materials

In Health
Dental Clinics
Women’s birthing center equipment
Medications for pharmacy

In Economic Development
Jobs – 97% of our employees are Congolese
Agriculture Workshops – Best practices for crops and livestock

In Infrastructure
New community building
Medical clinic with electricity
Protecting Bonobos and the Rainforest
Ekolo ya Bonobo Community Reserve is a public-private partnership (similar to a land trust) between the Province of Equateur, Friends of Bonobos, and local communities. With rainforest habitat in decline, reserves like Ekolo ya Bonobo are critical for ensuring that wild animals have a safe place to live. And local residents are critical partners in this conservation work. They help to protect and manage the forest and its resources to benefit both people and wildlife.
They say:

“Bonobos are the only 100% Congolese ape. We are proud to contribute to their protection.”