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Young bonobo peers around caretaker's shoulder at Lola ya Bonobo Sanctuary.

Our Strategy

We have a comprehensive approach to bonobo conservation.
We're in this for the long haul.


Rescue & Care

At Lola ya Bonobo sanctuary, orphaned bonobos are rescued from the illegal trade in wildlife. Bonobos are nursed back to health and cared for as long as needed, sometimes for the rest of their lives. Bonobos who are able are released back to the wild.

Young caregiver with orphaned baby bonobo at Lola ya Bonobo Sanctuary

Lola ya Bonobo Sanctuary

Bonobos are illegally hunted for their meat. After the families are killed, babies are orphaned and sold as pets.


At Lola ya Bonobo in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), we have a team of caregivers for rescued bonobos.


Bonobos are healed with the love and attention of their substitute human mothers, a dedicated veterinarian and the amazing staff. Bonobos love deeply, and bonobo babies would not survive without their caring substitute bonobo moms. 


The sanctuary name says it all: Lola ya Bonobo means "Paradise for Bonobos" in Lingala, the predominant language of the DRC.


Bonobos are not pets!

The veterinary team and bonobo substitute mothers at Lola ya Bonobo are carefully trained. Watch a video to learn more!

Orphaned baby bonobo looks up at human caregiver and surrogate mother at Lola ya Bonobo Sanctuary

Rewild and Protect

Ekolo ya Bonobo Community Reserve is the world's only bonobo release site.


Here, bonobos are released back into the wild and provided comprehensive and long-term protection. We conserve their rainforest home and work with local communities to reduce poverty, provide healthcare and education, and raise bonobo awareness.

Eco guards patrol on a boat outside of Ekolo ya Bonobo Community Reserve

Ekolo ya Bonobo Reserve

ABC has successfully released bonobos back to the wild – twice! More than 30 bonobos now live at Ekolo ya Bonobo Community Reserve in Équateur Province, DRC. They are kept safe from harm by a team of eco-guards.



Education and awareness are key to long-term success. This has been a hallmark of the programs in the DR Congo from the start. We are now also raising awareness for bonobos and their plight globally.

Group of children looking through glass at bonobos and their caretakers

Community Development

Bonobos are primarily killed for bushmeat. The root cause of the bushmeat trade is extreme poverty. We work with communities living near bonobos to build a better future through conservation instead of the bushmeat trade.

Woman in DR Congo checking on growing crops

Be part of the solution.

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